Green Tomatoes

Towards the end of the summer I discovered heirloom tomatoes.  It all started with a desire to propagate my own tomato plants next year.  It turns out that you can’t do that unless you have heirloom tomatoes.  I found some partners in crime who donated some seeds to my cause and one particularly generous individual gave me a tomato so I could taste it and harvest my own seeds from it.  It was an Aunt Ruby’s German Green.  I wasn’t forward thinking enough to snap a pic of it but I’m sure if you search it out, you’ll find a picture or two out there.

For some reason the idea of eating a green tomato left me squeamish.  Deep down a part of me insisted it was not ripe even though I knew better.   A few days passed and I started to fear for the life of the tomato.   The last thing I wanted it to do was rot on my counter but I was also very hesitant to cut it open and actually eat it.   Finally I came up with the idea of using it in a dish I make with tomatoes, onions, corn and chicken.  It was delicious! I put most of it in the dish and the colour was fabulous.  I gathered up some courage and ate a piece and what do you know…it tasted just like a red tomato! The tomato was quite large and I ended up leaving a quarter of it behind.   I was ready to eat the rest when it suddenly dawned on me…I hadn’t harvested any seeds from it!  That was the primary purpose of me having it; eating it was secondary!  Ahh, the irony of it all.  I harvested the seeds, ate the rest and we’ll see if the seeds germinate next spring.

Green Tomatoes, Red Tomatoes, Purple Onions and Yellow Corn

Green Tomatoes, Red Tomatoes, Purple Onions and Yellow Corn